About Us

Wedding is one of the most important days in your life. You want an extraordinary banquet for your reception.

Sit down style in Grace Catering is unique. It is an elegant and graceful service which will bring a memorial day for you and your guests.

We will help you to create a noble atmosphere for your party. From the beginning to the end of the wedding reception, your guests will feel joyful and give the best blessings to the bride and groom.

Our service unlike the buffet style where your guests have to waiting long line to get food. In our sit down style, the waiter will serve your guests course by course gracefully. It is an orderly, quiet service.

Our sit down style is a hearty service. We serve your guests with gourmet food and a hot seafood pot. Your guests will feel warmly welcomed with our service.

We mainly specialize in Chinese food service.

Our chef also has expertise in preparing Korean and Japanese gourmet food.

Call us now at 562-276-3718 or send us your email to gracefoodcatering@gmail.com